Pete Brown and Phil Ryan with Psoulchedelia: Perils Of Wisdom

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Alan Weekes (g)
John Mackenzie (b)
Helen Hardy (v)
Pete Brown (v)
Phil Ryan (kys)
Annie Whitehead (tb)
Lee Goodall (s)
Nixon Rosembert (b)
Rietta Austin (v)
Jeff Allen (d)


Interoceter Records Repuk


Catalogue Number:



date not stated

Things may come and things may go, but Brown will remain a legend for his superb lyrics, and, if nowt else, his tenacity. His writing days with Ryan alone go back to 1970 and Piblokto. Not surprising, given the turning of the years, many of the songs rage against the mores of modern times, notably ‘No Time For Good Times’, ‘Living In The Sleaz System’ and the climactic ‘Go Down Fighting’. It helps that Brown has an excellent band behind his bleary vocals, which have always been an acquired taste. The vibe moves between a Blockheads attack (‘No Time For Good Times’) to the cocktail blues of ‘Eva's Blues’. Whitehead remains blithe as ever, while Weekes' guitar hits the blues spot. Ryan's keys likewise leave you wishing for more, his break on the stand out ‘Eva Blue's’ being over before it's begun. Brown continues to age disgracefully: ‘Motormother’ ain't one to play your maiden aunt. But in our smoothly corporate, even cowardly world, Brown's rage against the machine keeps us honest, while Ryan's band mediates it marvellously.

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