Rudresh Mahanthappa Hero Trio: Animal Crossing

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Rudy Royston
Rudresh Mahanthappa (as)
Francois Moutin (b)


Whirlwind 4783


Media Format:



Rec. November 2021

Jazz records named after million-selling video games aren't a common occurrence, and neither are elite improv trios who like dressing up as caped crusaders for gigs. But that's the skilful culture-crossing US saxophonist Rudresh Mahanthappa's agenda on this tight but action-packed four-track EP, fronted by the Nintendo-hit title tune, joined by three equally personal takes on originals by Pat Metheny, Chuck Mangione, and George Michael. As you might expect from Mahanthappa, this trio - with his long-time bass partner Francois Moutin and the masterly Fort Worth-born drummer Rudy Royston - sounds like an uninhibitedly postbop-to-free jazz group rather than a covers band - the title track opening as a staccato horn hook soon badgered and echoed by Moutin's muscular pizzicato vamp, and Royston's badgering accents.

Mahanthappa is a Charlie Parker devotee deep down, but the mid-section visit to the original theme is both Ornettishly soulful and infectiously danceable. Pat Metheny's springy twister 'Missouri Uncompromised' (from Bright Size Life) draws a skiddy, slewing break from the leader, prodded by Moutin's rugged strumming until the bassist uncorks a fine solo of humming long tones and abrupt rhythmic tweaks.

Chuck Mangione's 'Give It All You Got' stirs Mahanthappa's reflective side, imploringly quivering figures alternating with serpentine but apposite double time. George Michael's Bo Diddleyesque 'Faith' is recast in squalling high-end alto sounds, seesawing fast improv, and a torrential rhythmic storm from Moutin and Royston. Short this set may be, but it leaves a lot of vivid impressions behind.

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