Sadao Watanabe: Open Road

Record and Artist Details


Yoshio Suzuki (b)
Syunzoh Ohno (t, flug)
Sadao Watanabe (fl, ts)
Kohsuke Mine (as)
Takehiro Honda (p, el p)
Hiroshi Fukumura (trom)
Fumio Watanabe (perc)


CBS/Sony 1973


Around ten or 12 years ago, at the dawn of the 21st century, a whole rash of previously obscure, out-of-print jazz albums were given the full CD reissue treatment in Japan. At the time, these were generally unavailable here – unless as expensive imports – and now those CD reissues themselves are long deleted and almost as hard to get hold of as the original vinyl. This gnarly nugget is a classic example, and carries the extra distinction of being by one of the most compelling Japanese bands of the 1970s – an outfit that remains criminally under-appreciated in the West. It's a live recording that throws together joyful, Age of Aquarius-style jazz-rock similar to Keith Tippett's Centipede; low-down, electric Miles-style funk; turbulent free jazz; and blazing, up-tempo post-bop. The musicianship is of staggeringly high quality and the whole project bursts with ambitious confidence. Just don'texpect to find it in the shops, again.

Vinyl sold in 2009 for $37 at

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