Various Artists: Our Sense of Jazz_01

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Oddgeir Berg Trio
Karl Seglem
Helge Lien Trio
Tom Arthurs (t)
Martti Vesela




Catalogue Number:



various dates

Record samplers may often be imperfect – the way someone else chooses to illustrate a particular genre or label may not be the way you would choose to portray it – but, in this case, the choices are well made, and give an excellent broad brush perspective of Ozella Records’ jazz catalogue. For some years the label has quietly been going about its task building its jazz signings, but also adding some excellent world, classical, electronica, blues and singer/ songwriter artists as well. Founded by Dagobert and Christel Böhm, who chose the tracks here, it is very revealing of their musical aesthetic, from Karl Seglem’s mysterious Nordic folk jazz to Finnish trumpet poet Martti Vesela. There are excellent tracks by Norwegian piano star Helge Lien’s Trio (a key Ozella artist), Brit trumpeter Tom Arthurs, spiced with the international space jazz trio Inwardness and the Azerbaijani duo Sultanov/Sarabski. It also includes more recent signings – the Kari Ikonen Trio and the Eivind Austad Trio – and there are pieces by artists not represented in my own collection – Oddgeir Berg Trio, Anders Aarum and Mezza/Ginsberg Ensemble – that make me want to check out their albums, which of course a good sampler should make you want to do.

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