
Can jazz survive the music streaming revolution?

With streaming now dominating much of our daily music, TV and movie-watching habits, Stuart Nicholson delves into the digital depths to discover if specialist content, in this virtual sea, will sink without trace

Rune Kristoffersen: "Records like that open up a can of worms about what ‘free jazz’ really is"

Internationally acclaimed Norwegian record label Rune Grammofon announced itself to the world in 1998, with the release of Supersilent’s auspicious triple-album offering, 1-3. Since then, the imprint has curated a prestigious canon of experimental jazz, free improvisation, abstract electronic music and psychedelic rock, with celebrated releases from artists including Fire!, Arve Henriksen, Elephant9, Bushman’s Revenge, Hedvig Mollestad Trio, Maja S.K. Ratkje and Krokofant. Jazzwise caught up...

Liane Carroll: Romance and Redemption

One of the UK’s leading jazz vocalists, Liane Carroll has always worn her heart on sleeve, often matching raw emotion with jaw-dropping technique. Peter Quinn spoke to Carroll about growing as an artist and her long-standing musical relationship with multi-Grammy-nominated producer James McMillan

Horace Silver: six essential albums

Pianist Horace Silver was one of the most influential pianists in jazz and the very personification and creator of what has been called soul jazz, composing what are now standards such as ‘Sister Sadie’ and ‘Señor Blues’ and piloting a distinctive direction the Blue Note records sound would take. Here are six classic albums

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