
Review of Dizzy Gillespie/Hans Koller: Dizzy Gillespie Quintet & Hans Koller New Jazz Stars

Dizzy Gillespie/Hans Koller: Dizzy Gillespie Quintet & Hans Koller New Jazz Stars

Al Jones | Hans Koller | Jutta Hipp | Shorty Roeder | Karl Sanner | Lou Hackney | Albert Mangelsdorff | Bill Graham | Wade Legge | Dizzy Gillespie


Rating: ★★★

Launching the NDR 60 Years Jazz archive project, this is the earliest surviving broadcast produced by the legendary Hans Gertberg,...

Reviewed by Brian Priestley in issue: November/2013

Review of Jonathan Moritz Trio: Secret Tempo

Jonathan Moritz Trio: Secret Tempo

Hot Cup Records

Rating: ★★★

A free-ish jazz threesome led by a debuting NYC tenor/soprano saxophonist applying Webster and Webern among others to his loosely...

Reviewed by Selwyn Harris in issue: November/2013

Review of Stan Getz: Jazz Giants '58

Stan Getz: Jazz Giants '58

Gerry Mulligan | Harry 'sweets’ Edison | Stan Getz | Herb Ellis | Oscar Peterson | Louie Bellson | Ray Brown


Rating: ★★★★

Jazz Giants ’58 has always been a classic, a Norman Granz collation that needs very little extra endorsement from me....

Reviewed by Peter Vacher in issue: November/2013

Review of Duke Ellington and his Famous Orchestra: The Concert at The Pleyel, Paris 1958

Duke Ellington and his Famous Orchestra: The Concert at The Pleyel, Paris 1958

Lil Greenwood | Jimmy Woode | Sam Woodyard | Harry Carney | Fats Ford | Clark Terry | Jimmy Hamilton | John Sanders | William ‘Cat’ Anderson | Jimmy Johnson


Rating: ★★★★

Although the liner notes do not say, the 1958 Pleyel concert took place on 20 November and was probably televised...

Reviewed by Stuart Nicholson in issue: November/2013

Review of Louis Armstrong: The Complete Satch Plays Fats

Louis Armstrong: The Complete Satch Plays Fats

Essential Jazz Classics

Rating: ★★★★

One of the classic Armstrong albums, and a pioneering example of overdubbing, with several unedited or alternate issued takes included...

Reviewed by Alyn Shipton in issue: November/2013

Review of Energy:


Luis Agudo | Björn ‘Binge’ Inge | Alvaro Is | Amedeo Nicoletti | Bosse Norlén

Harvest 1974

Advance spins of the forthcoming album by The Thing reveal that the Swedish power trio are actively incorporating a more...

Reviewed by Daniel Spicer in issue: November/2013

Review of Jimmy Forrest: Four Classic Albums

Jimmy Forrest: Four Classic Albums


Rating: ★★★★

Three albums with rhythm, plus a big band set, this is a representative selection of the tenorist’s early 1960s work,...

Reviewed by Alyn Shipton in issue: February/2020

Review of Kneebody: The Line

Kneebody: The Line


Rating: ★★★

The Concord debut release for an uncategorisable cult, quirky rock-fuelled improv collective whose influences stretch from D’Angelo through to Bill...

Reviewed by Selwyn Harris in issue: November/2013

Review of Lyn Stanley: Lost in Romance

Lyn Stanley: Lost in Romance

AT Music

Rating: ★★

Why aren’t female MOR standard vocalists ever considered crooners? Well here’s one: a former US Ballroom dancing champ who can...

Reviewed by Selwyn Harris in issue: November/2013

Review of Norman Simmons/Richard Evans Trio/Richard’s Almanac:

Norman Simmons/Richard Evans Trio/Richard’s Almanac:

Fresh Sound

Rating: ★★

Two 1950s piano trios paired together to make two LPs into a passable length CD, but maybe it’d have been...

Reviewed by Alyn Shipton in issue: November/2013

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